Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tutorial Four and Five Technical Description

Provide a brief summary of the services offered by U Tube. Information can be drawn from the week five tutorial hand out.

You Tube is a site which has videos from all over the world and people can sign up and view them. It is easy to sign up as all you need to have is an email address. You can search videos under a variety of different headings eg. most recent, most viewed etc. You can also search them under what is called channels which is when things are under things from gurus to politicians. Lastly there is a section called community which has competitions, groups and more. Members can load videos on or watch videos that are already there.

Provide a brief account (1-2 paragraphs) on how the use of planning (storyboarding and scripting aided your groups short film.

Scripting was a great way for us to plan what we wanted the scene to turn out like and gave us a base to work with. We did not script traditionally but at each scene we discussed what we wanted to say and all our thoughts were collated so that Ingrid could get our point across in the dialogue.

Storyboarding was helpful because it gave us a visual feel for where we were wanting the movie to go. We then had a plan on which disability toilets to include in the movie and didn't waste time debating about where we wanted to film next due to it being premeditated. As a group we then had something on paper which is good to refer to if we started going off on a tangent.

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